Posts Tagged ‘Traumatic Putrefaction’

Abominated - Traumatic Putrefaction

Review by Sandre the Giant

Polish death metallers Abominated’s debut album, ‘Traumatic Putrefaction’ is out now through Godz Ov War Productions and the band look to join a litany of Polish death metal legends like Vader, Azarath or Decapitated in keeping their homeland’s legacy of great death metal bands going.

Opener ‘Forbidden Pleasures of Self-Immolation (Opus Magnum .44)’ teases you with a little gothic keyboard work before a ferociously old school death metal riffs kicks into gear. Abominated’s sound comes firmly from a more Asphyx/Bolt Thrower place, with dashes of Swedeath in the galloping ‘Vile Mutated Mass’, but there are times where the pace and ferocity of Abominated’s work surpasses even those routine comparisons. A track like ‘Sacrificial Defilement’ pulses with a raw energy, a deathly thickness of intent and a writhing collection of riffs that any band worth their salt would be mining. The powerful, grinding riffs in the opening of ‘Senseless Barbaric Insemination’ give way to a clattering, bulldozing powerhouse of a track, really settling the question as to what Abominated can offer the modern death metal scene.

Sometimes too many new death metal bands are trying too hard to stand out, to be different adn ‘new’ and come off confused and disjointed. Other times, new death metal bands take the old school route and it sounds lazy and derivative. Abominated are neither of these; combining an old school sound with an enthusiastic and obvious love for the genre, and with an understanding of how to put together great, interesting songs that never lose steam. ‘Traumatic Putrefaction’ gets it all right, and that is a gory blessing for us all.