Review: Extinct – Incitement of Violence

Posted: June 27, 2024 in Reviews
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Extinct - Incitement of Violence

Review by Sandre the Giant

Extinct have been around the German thrash scene for over 20 years at this point, and their second record ‘Incitement of Violence’ is out now through MDD Records. It has been 11 years since their debut ‘Pain Palace’ and three years since their last recorded work, the ‘Downward Spiral’ EP, so it is looking to remind the world just how potent their mix of old school sensibilities and modern death/thrash can be.

Channelling Kreator and Slayer is a pretty good plan as a thrash band, particularly one from a country with such an illustrious history in said genre. Extinct make sure that their sound is nice and thick, chugging along with weighty riffs and a thick low end, galloping along in tracks like ‘Annihilation by Words’ and ‘Slaughter in the Trenches’. They never really turn the pace of things up very often, satisfied in a midpaced thunder but every so often you get a taste, such as in ‘Ilwast’ or ‘Of No Account’. ‘Incitement to Violence’ plays it safer than I’d like at times, but I won’t deny the catchiness of some of these tracks, and the solid songwriting either.

‘Incitement of Violence is a solid and headbangable record that doesn’t really take too many risks but also doesn’t really need to. There’s something comforting about a band who know what they can do, and execute it well. That is Extinct, and ‘Incitement to Violence’ is a fun romp through their homeland’s legacy. Recommended to those of you who like a little heft in their thrash.

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