Review: Imperialist – Quantum

Posted: November 25, 2023 in Reviews
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Imperialist - Quantum

Review by Sandre the Giant

USA black metallers Imperialist have been a consistently great addition to the scene since thier sci-fi riddled debut ‘Quantum Annexation’ in 2015, and their newest EP ‘Quantum’ seems to bring things full circle, with somewhat of a reimagining of their debut in their developing crisp, blackened thrash sound. It is out in December through Transcending Obscurity.

Imperialist’s expansive yet desolate black metal is perfect for a science fiction setting; much more barren and bleak than any of us would care to dream. ‘Gateway’ opens with spacious synth and a cold windy feel, before the ripping ‘Echoed Demise’ tears out into frosty black metal classicisms. Channeling the black fury of Marduk or early Emperor, pouring from a rich font of thrashy riffs and giving us more air guitar moments than is generally acceptable in black metal, ‘Quantum Annexation’ is an upgraded version of ‘Exoteric Wrath’ from their debut. It shows that their material was strong even back at the start, and that their evolutionary movement has been more sound quality than musical quality.

From the sharpened melodies of ‘Call of Vulcain’ into serrated closer ‘Quiescent Terror’, Imperialist have shown us just how far they have come and yet how little has changed. The band were clearly onto something 8 years ago when they began, and this aggressive, intensely melodic blackened thrash sound has only grown sharper and more impressive with each release. ‘Quantum’ is a great moment of reflection for a band who are constantly in motion.

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