Review: Cutterred Flesh – Sharing is Caring

Posted: October 18, 2021 in Reviews
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Cutterred Flesh - Sharing Is Caring

Review by Sandre the Giant

Czech brutal death metallers Cutterred Flesh’s new record, ‘Sharing is Caring’, is an odd animal in the world of BROOTAL death metal, as it comes from a world where slam and pig squeals are largely absent and yet you cannot describe this as anything other than the most brutal of subgenres. It is out in December through Transcending Obscurity.

Opener ‘Vibrio Vulnificus’ is a great example of this, battering you with a devastating low end but threading through dissonant melodies into every chunky guitar shred. It is an unstoppable steamroller of a track, designed to crush you beneath its merciless approach. ‘Black Aurora’ reminds me a lot of Decapitated with its rolling blastbeats, spacious riffing and unstoppable double kicks under an eerie solo, while the relentless viciousness of ‘The Mystery of the Black Hen’ is surgical and violent. There’s moments that feel like Suffocation playing Gorguts covers, where technicality meets weirdness. The drumming is superhuman at times, sounding like machine gun fire strafing across the killer ‘Knife is Not the Enemy’ and the superbly titled ‘Amused by the Tenacity of a Dying Whore’ which has way more progressive moments in it than you’d expect with that title. Every song has this though; an adventurous tenacity to do something different and unusual while maintaining that heaviness.

‘Sharing is Caring’ won’t satisfy the pure slam fans but everyone else who enjoys death metal that is not afraid to showcase utter brutality is a new and progressive way will fall in love with this record. Cutterred Flesh don’t really sound like anyone else; they sound like everyone else put together into a new approach and it is utterly brilliant. This is a stunning record.

  1. […] through Transcending Obscurity. We reviewed their 2021 record ‘Sharing is Caring’ right here, and it was a bit of underrated gem from that year as well, so ‘Love at First Bite’ […]


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